【 Hsinchu, Taiwan, March 5, 2013 】

Digital Logic Circuit Design with the DE2-115 (Chinese)
Since Terasic was established in 2003, the number one priority of the board-design company has always been to revolutionize the educational landscape of digital logic design by taking laboratory and on-hands training to the next level. With the release of the Development and Education (DE) Series , ranging from the tiny Cyclone DE0-Nano development board to high-end Stratix DE5-Net development board , the DE series includes an impressive feature-set that satisfies virtually every educational requirement. Unlike prior kits, the release of the DE boards heavily emphasized real-world applications, taking laboratory classes beyond just operating LEDs and switches and into practical development with multimedia, industrial communication, and networking.
Just recently, Terasic has been taking steps to introduce a new suite of educational resources. Having already published a Chinese textbook for practical applications with the DE2-115 , the company is now cooperating with Dr. Jien-Chung Lo, professor and director of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Rhode Island to release a new textbook for in English to reach a broader base of students and professors throughout the world. Dr. Lo has had extensive experience in the field of digital electronics design, having already taught the subject for more than twenty-five years, and has three separate books and countless publications in science journals and proceedings. Dr. Lo’s new textbook will focus on the fundamentals of logic design with VHDL on the DE1 / DE2 / DE2-115 FPGA platforms.
CTO Richard Chang with Dr. Jien-Chung Lo of The University of Rhode Island
The University of Rhode Island features extensive research in the field of programmable logic, including papers such as An FPGA-based Multi-Core Platform for Testing and Analysis of Architectural Techniques ( http://www.ele.uri.edu/~simoneau/ispass2012.pdf ), a topic that covers the design and FPGA-based prototyping of a full-featured multi-core platform for use in computer architecture research studies. The paper examines creating the first existing full-hardware platform designed for measuring a wide-range of performance metrics for future multi-core processors. Most amazingly, the relatively inexpensive Terasic DE2-70 Cyclone II development kit allowed for speeds magnitudes faster than software-based simulations.
With the introduction of new resources, Terasic hopes to exponentially benefit the educational space. By featuring top-of-the-line educational kits along with complete open-source reference designs, annual student design competitions, and textbooks resources, the technology company aims to create the number one “one-stop shop” for students to learn about FPGA design and implementation and help breed the next generation of successful engineers.