DE10-Advance Hardware Manual revC Chapter4 Temperature Sensor,Fan Control and Power Monitor

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4.10 Temperature Sensor,Fan Control and Power Monitor

The FPGA board is equipped with a temperature sensor, TMP441AIDCNT, which provides temperature sensing.This functions is accomplished by connecting the temperature sensor to the internal temperature sensing diode of the Arria 10 SoC device. The temperature status and alarm threshold registers of the temperature sensor can be programmed by a two-wire SMBus, which is connected to the Arria 10 SoC FPGA. In addition, the 7-bit POR slave address for this sensor is set to‘0011100b'.

A 3-pin +12V fan located on J22 of the FPGA board is intended to reduce the temperature of the FPGA.The board is equipped with a Fan-Speed regulator and monitor MAX6650 with an I2C/SMBus interfaces,Users regulate and monitor the speed of fan depending on the measured system temperature.

The DE10-Advanced has implemented a power monitor chip to monitor the board input power voltage and current.Figure 4-10 shows the connection between the power monitor chip and the Arria 10 SoC FPGA.The power monitor chip monitors both shunt voltage drops and board input power voltage allows user to monitor the total board power consumption. Programmable calibration value,conversion times,and averaging,combined with an internal multiplier,enable direct readouts of current in amperes and power in watts.Note that,the temperature sensor,fan control and power monitor share the same I2C/SMBUS.
Power monitor.jpg
Figure 4-10 Connections between the temperature sensor/fan control/power monitor and the Arria 10 SoC FPGA

Table 4-12 Temperature Sensor and Fan Speed Control Pin Assignments,Schematic Signal Names and Functions
Schematic Signal Name Description I/O Standard Arria 10 SoC Pin Number
TEMPDIODEp Positive pin of temperature diode in Arria 10 -- --
TEMPDIODEn Negative pin of temperature diode in Arria 10 -- --
FPGA_I2C_SCL SMBus clock 1.8V M1
FPGA_I2C_SDA SMBus data 1.8V M4
FAN_ALERT Active-low ALERT input 1.8V E25
