FAQ using DE5 NET OpenCL BSP

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If you encountered the error "failed to scan for the PCI device" shown as the following picture when using the DE5-NET OpenCL BSP windows version, Error message.png

please excute the steps below to double check:

  1. Please double check if the PCIe device is detected or not under Device Manager.
    PCIe detected.png

  2. If not, please uninstall the PCIe driver you installed before, and excute "aocl install" to see if the drive can be installed properly or not.

  3. Manually download the top.sof file (for example, the top.sof file is located in the DE5NET_openCL_BSP_16.0\DE5NET_openCL_BSP_16.0\test folder if you are using DE5-NET OpenCL BSP 16.0.

  4. Restart the PC after the top.sof file is downloaded successfully.

  5. After restarting the PC, please make sure the PC can detect the PCIe device under Device Manager, and then excute "aocl diagnose".

  6. If it still can not work by following the steps above, please have a try to install the PCIe driver manually. Right click PCIe device location under Device Manager and browse to the de5net\windows64\driver\acl_boards.inf to install the driver.
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