世界級的FPGA系統設計 一次到位的服務 友晶主導國際風潮

科技不斷的創新與進步,競爭相對白熱化!友晶對品質的嚴格堅持,在這日趨競爭的產業界中,友晶始終被認定為最受信任的廠商。在國際間,友晶作為專業電子製造服務 (EMS) 領導廠商而深獲肯定;在委託製造 (OEM) 與委託設計製造 (ODM) 上,友晶也能針對客戶需求,量身訂作出尖端設計與統合服務方案。

High Resolution LCD Pattern Generator
- LVDS transmitter/receiver @1.3Gbps
- Quad FPD-Link encoder/decoder
- Color and pixel mapping control
- Quad FPD-Link encoder/decoder
- Color and pixel mapping control

HDMI Color Correction System
- HDMI embedded color correction IP
- HDMI transmitter/receiver
- Remote control software program
- HDMI transmitter/receiver
- Remote control software program

Image Processing IP
- PAL and NSTC input formats
- TTL, OLED interface
- Scalar from PAL/NSTC to full HD resolution (1920x1080)
- TTL, OLED interface
- Scalar from PAL/NSTC to full HD resolution (1920x1080)

Dynamic Voltage Controller FPGA System
- Dynamic voltage controller on Stratix III device
- Interchange I/O standard with various voltage levels
- Very first ones to power-up the Stratix III device
- Interchange I/O standard with various voltage levels
- Very first ones to power-up the Stratix III device