FPGA Image Processor
In this application, we developed a system designed for the purposes of showcasing the powerful nature and flexibility of image processing on an FPGA. Our basic requirements for the image processor include: touch-control capability, color-space conversion, memory control, filtering, and output display...
I2C FPGA Tutorial
In this video introduction to I2C, we learn how to write a simple I2C write operation.
Quick Tip: Implementing a Simple Color Filter
In this video, we introduce color spaces and implement a simple RGB color filter in order to achieve our desired colors.
My First FPGA Tutorial
We explore the first steps of setting up your Quartus II environment as well as writing your first FPGA program!
My First Nios II Tutorial
In this tutorial, we explore the first steps of setting up your SOPC builder with Quartus II and programming Nios II to display a simple Hello World Program!